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Join the session by simply entering the digit code and answer the questions the presenter has prepared for you! No need to register for an account - your opinions stay anonymous. ABOUT MENTIMETER Mentimeter enables you to turn meetings, workshops, training, conferences or classes … Share your opinion during Mentimeter presentations with the Menti voting app via your smartphone or tablet. Join the session by simply entering the digit code and answer the questions the presenter has prepared for you!


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Check if your microphone is working correctly in an easy way. Free to Use. This microphone test tool is completely free to use. No hidden fees By creating a survey you can combine all question types. It’s possible to test the quiz before populating which is very useful. You are able to link your question poll to your presentation or Twitter – PollEverywhere is a large, powerful tool. In my opinion, the user interface is not as friendly and intuitive as in Mentimeter. Sample tests with detailed answer description, explanation are given and it would be easy to understand (online mock tests for CAT, GATE, GRE, MAT, GMAT, IAS, Bank Exam, Railway Exam).